Short answer

Short answer question allows users to write answers in a few words. You can use this question to collect names, email addresses, phone numbers, website url & more. You can set rules to get the answers you need.

Short answer question allows users to write answers in a few words. You can use this question to collect names, email addresses, phone numbers, website url & more. You can set rules to get the answers you need.

How to add a short answer question?

  • Click on the add question icon
  • Select Short answer question
  • Enable Required toggle button to make this a mandatory question as shown below
Short answer question allows users to write answers in a few words. You can use this question to collect names, email addresses, phone numbers, website url & more. You can set rules to get the answers you need.

How to add response validation to restrict answers?

You can use pre-built validation to accept correctly formatted email address and urls as responses. You can use number, text, length and regex validations to write complex validation rules and restrict the answers.

  • Click on the add question icon
  • Select Short answer question
  • Click on the ⋮ icon
  • Select Response validation
Short answer question allows users to write answers in a few words. You can use this question to collect names, email addresses, phone numbers, website url & more. You can set rules to get the answers you need.

How to specify the character limit for short answers?

You can specify the minimum character count for your short answer question by adding the Length response validation as shown below.

  • Click on the add question icon
  • Select Short answer question
  • Click on the ⋮ icon and select Response validation
  • Select Length
  • Select Minimum character count
  • Enter a custom error message (if required)
Short answer question allows users to write answers in a few words. You can use this question to collect names, email addresses, phone numbers, website url & more. You can set rules to get the answers you need.

Maximum character count

You can specify the maximum character count for your short answer question by adding the Length response validation as shown below.

  • Click on the add question icon
  • Select Short answer question
  • Click on the ⋮ icon and select Response validation
  • Select Length
  • Select Maximum character count
  • Enter a custom error message (if required)
Short answer question allows users to write answers in a few words. You can use this question to collect names, email addresses, phone numbers, website url & more. You can set rules to get the answers you need.

How to validate if the answer contains a specific word?

You can use the Contains text validation for short answer question to ensure that the response contains a specific word or special character and accept only those responses.

  • Click on the add question icon
  • Select Short answer question
  • Click on the ⋮ icon and select Response validation
  • Select Text
  • Select Contains
  • Enter the word or character that must be included in the short answer
  • Enter a custom error message (if required)
Short answer question allows users to write answers in a few words. You can use this question to collect names, email addresses, phone numbers, website url & more. You can set rules to get the answers you need.

How to validate if the short answer doesn't contain a specific word or special character?

You can use the Doesn't contain text validation for short answer question to ensure that the answer doesn't contain specific word or special character and accept only those responses.

  • Click on the add question icon
  • Select Short answer question
  • Click on the ⋮ icon and select Response validation
  • Select Text
  • Select Doesn't contain
  • Enter the word or character that must not be included in the short answer
  • Enter a custom error message (if required)
Short answer question allows users to write answers in a few words. You can use this question to collect names, email addresses, phone numbers, website url & more. You can set rules to get the answers you need.

How to validate email format and accept only valid responses?

You can use the Email address text validation for short answer question to validate and accept email addresses with correct format.

  • Click on the add question icon
  • Select Short answer question
  • Click on the ⋮ icon and select Response validation
  • Select Text
  • Select Email address
  • Enter a custom error message (if required)
Short answer question allows users to write answers in a few words. You can use this question to collect names, email addresses, phone numbers, website url & more. You can set rules to get the answers you need.

How to collect URL responses from users?

You can use the URL text validation for short answer question to collect valid urls starting with either http:// or https://

  • Click on the add question icon
  • Select Short answer question
  • Click on the ⋮ icon and select Response validation
  • Select Text
  • Select URL
  • Enter a custom error message (if required)
Short answer question allows users to write answers in a few words. You can use this question to collect names, email addresses, phone numbers, website url & more. You can set rules to get the answers you need.
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