Is there a way to change the button color or font styles in the form?

Is there a way to change the button color or font styles in the form?

Yes, you can update the button color & font styles bases on your preferences.

Open Formfacade sidebar widget in your Google Form > Click on "Customize" to open Forfacade form preview > Click on "edit icon" in the header > Select “Advanced” Tab > Update color, font and click on "Save".

Open your Google Form, click on the "Add-ons" icon and select "Formfacade"
Click on "Customize this form" option in the Formfacade menu
Click on the "Customize" button in the Formfacade sidebar widget
Click on the "Edit" icon in the header to open form preferences screen
Select "Advanced" tab to update the color / font and click on "Save"
Made with formfacade